Rev. Bob Rutherford
Rev. Bob Rutherford was called February 2, 1975. He resigned April 4, 1983. He was pastor during a time of economic growth in Gainesville. The National Supply Co. employed about 1,600 people. Linda Jo Shoe Co. employed several hundred people. These were the major employers in Gainesville. Brother Rutherford was a dynamic preacher and Temple enjoyed a period of sustained growth. There were two construction projects during his pastorate. These two infrastructures concluded our construction at that time. The facilities were great and greatly increased the quality of services that Temple could offer to members. Church members pledging funds under the “Together We Build Program” paid for these two structures. Brother Rutherford stated, “The people who make up Temple Baptist Church are a unique group of Christians. The fellowship here is one of the warmest that Linda and I personally have ever experienced.”